February 2013

February 2013
Hands and Hearts

Monday, September 22, 2014

September Studies- Circles

I used an art project to practice circle cutting, as I have in the past. This year, we combined that with a "following directions" exercise over the span of four 15 minute sessions. We started with the background in cool colors, drawing the brush "top to bottom, top to bottom" repeated until a whole page was covered in blues, greens, violets. Next, we used warm colors to make swirls and waves over and over until that page was covered. The 3rd session involved cutting various sized circles from the sheet painted in warm colors. For some Pre-K students, this was their first time handling scissors, and was a perfect opportunity to discuss the correct way to hold scissors and give one-on-one instruction. Lastly, we glued parts together to make a collage of flowers that resemble a Hundertwasser painting. And even though they are all alike because it was a "following directions" exercise, they are also all individual, and I really like how they turned out.

Monday, September 1, 2014


I'm really looking forward to the 2014-15 school year! We have some exciting activities planned. Mrs. McCarthy and I are honored to spend this time with your children, and we strive to make learning fun!

Be sure to check the monthly newsletter sent home with your child around the 1st of each month. Post it someplace you can easily check it, like the refrigerator or family bulletin board. Sometimes, (usually!) there is a Scholastic Book Club catalogue attached. Your newsletter will also tell you how to contact me should you have questions or concerns. Maybe you will need to double-check which day you signed up to either bring snack or volunteer. Also, get in the habit of going through your child's book bag or backpack nightly to make sure you aren't missing important events, deadlines, or other information.

Let's keep our communication open! I will need to know if someone other than you or an adult from the list you provided will be picking up your child. Please let me know by either sending a note with your child or telling me in person during drop-off. Should an emergency arise, call Mrs. Leitch at the front office to let her know. She will pass the info along to me. She can also help answer any questions you have about school functions and activities.

It's going to be a great year!
                                                                                                            Mrs. Phillips