February 2013

February 2013
Hands and Hearts

Friday, September 1, 2017

SEPTEMBER 2017                                                SPPS Pre-K
S               M              T               W             Th            F              S

Labor Day
S- Liz N.




S- Steph

V- Steph

S- Amanda

V- Amanda
S- Jenn F.

V- Tracy
S- Merissa

V- Merissa
S- Liz D.

V- Liz D.

S- Tori

S- Abby

V- Abby
S- Rose

Fall Begins


S- Jenn F.

S- Steph

V- Steph
S- Tracy

V- Tracy
S- Merissa

V- Merissa
Circle, Red                            School Rules, Friends      none
1,2,3                                     Apples, Kindness    
Rr, Ss, Aa              

9/7   -   Back to School BBQ  5:30 p.m.
9/12  -   Pre-K Scholastic book orders due
9/14- 9/17  - Mt. Angel Oktoberfest
9/28  -   School Picture Day   

Welcome to a new school year!
I really enjoyed seeing my new and returning students on Supply Day! One reason I love that day is it gives us an opportunity to meet or reacquaint ourselves in an informal setting. I also have a chance to gauge their anticipation for school and I can honestly say I think we are all eager and looking forward to a great school year!
However, if your child is timid or fearful the first few days of school, assure them by a quick drop-off. I promise their tears typically only last until the parent is out of earshot. My feeling is there is no better way to convey and empower them in understanding that this is their class time, learning is fun, and school is a happy place.
We will have Scholastic Book orders every month with a due date for ordering. Books can be ordered by the parent directly online by using the classroom code GZX4H or you may submit your order and check to me. It takes a couple of weeks for the orders to arrive. Scholastic book clubs are a great way to instill a love of books and reading with your child. Plus, your book orders give us points to use in building our classroom library. That’s what I call a win-win!
We try to have outdoor recess whenever possible. Please send your child to school dressed for the weather. For example if it is cold outside and they didn’t bring a coat, they may spend their recess time inside. Rainy days or extremely cold/ hot days may also be spent as indoor recess in the classroom.
Snack time is almost always at 10:00 a.m. We also celebrate holiday parties and birthdays during snack time and may forego recess. If you plan on bringing a special treat for your child’s birthday please sign up for snack on that day to avoid confusion.
A ~revised~ daily schedule is as follows:

7:50  check in
8:00  school assembly/prayer
8:10  free time/warm-up activity
8:30  circle time
8:50  bathroom break
9:00  Rotations/Learning activities
9:55  story time/singing
10:00 Snack time/party time
10:30 recess (indoor or outdoor)
11:00 dismissal

Please let me know if you have questions or concerns. My email is- mphillips@saintpaulparochial.org and the telephone here at school is 503 633-4622. The classroom blog should be up and running as well so watch for that-
https://prekspps.blogspot.com/ It can also be accessed from the school website.
I anticipate great things this year and feel so honored and blessed to share it with you and your child!                                    

                                                              Mrs. Phillips